Heya! Heya!
Welcome friend! This is where I plan to build the Web Heyimas.
The Heyimas are a physical building of the Kesh people in Always Coming Home, a novel by Ursula K. Le Guin.
What they are exactly is hard to define. I will try to explain in the future, but in the meantime I recommend reading the book to find out.
This place will be a shrine to Always Coming Home, the Kesh, and Ursula K. Le Guin in general.
I also hope it will become a place of giving and sharing art.
In the Kesh language, "to have" is an intransitive verb, and "to be rich" is the same word as "to give".
I aim to live out that philosophy in this space.
I hope to meet you here soon!
Heya! Heya!
- given by daafje of daafje.nl, July 2nd, 2024